Workplace Culture

The Hewlin Group specializes in workplace culture assessments. THG’s assessments diagnose the strengths and areas of potential strength. We do this by helping organizations develop stronger policies and practices that facilitate the growth and development of their employees. We also help organizations listen to their employees with greater intentionality.

Specifically, we work with organizational leadership to review policies such as handbooks, employee guidelines, codes of conduct, and mission and value statements to ensure their alignment with organizational objectives and desired outcomes. We have found that even when the policies are well-written and clear, the remaining challenge is embodying those words so that they are reflective in the day-to-day work experience. How does an organization move from idealized statements of expectations and promises to the personification of those behaviors? We can help.

THG exists to help infuse positive change within organizations by helping them address organizational culture challenges and developing bespoke strategies to remedy them. In addition to policy reviews, we collect quantitative and qualitative data from all employees (not just the leaders) to determine the core issues slowing or halting progress. Our approach is differentiated from others in that we focus as much on talking to the front-line employees as we do the C-Suite. When every member feels empowered, the organization has a better chance of maximizing its potential.

All organizations hope to attract talented and committed employees who are continually engaged in contributing to their individual growth and development and that of the collective. Essentially, it’s about creating an employee experience that causes people to want to be there. Consistency leads to trust, and trust leads to greater collaboration and productivity.

Satisfaction and employee feedback surveys provide partial information, but many employees: a) don’t complete them, or b) don’t fully trust in the promised anonymity, so they provide measured responses. Through direct conversations and appreciative inquiry, THG breaks through those barriers and identifies common themes affecting the different stakeholders. We collaborate with our clients to build actionable steps toward positive change.

We look forward to helping your corporation, educational institution, NGO, or government agency stretch beyond your current boundaries.